Working in Toolbox!

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Working in Toolbox!

Long time has passed since my last publication in this blog. Recently I've moved from my usual work with Fleet Commander to working in Toolbox, a containerized command line environment tool.

I had the opportunity to move to the Toolbox team, and work in something different to what I've been working until now. I will continue working in Fleet Commander, but now my main efforts will be working in Toolbox.

Toolbox is a containerized command line environment tool. It allows users to create a command line inside a container so any changes done inside are done in a controlled environment.

This is very useful in the case of Fedora Silverblue, as Silverblue has a read only filesystem and all the applications are running as flatpak applications, and you do not have the option to install new RPM packages. With Toolbox, you can create a containerized shell in which you can install whatever you need and use it from there.

Even better. You are able to create different toolboxes at the same time, each one based in a different OS image, and the images can be built easily as with any other image for a container, just following some simple rules to make them compatible with toolbox.

I'm very excited with this new assignment. I really like the project and I am very pleased to work in a bigger team than the one I was before. Also it is exciting to work with new technologies as containers and podman.

I will try to log the work we are doing on Toolbox in future blog posts.