Fleet Commander 0.8.0 released!

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Fleet Commander 0.8.0 released!

During last 6 months, Alberto Ruiz, Miroslav Chodil and myself have been working on having the 0.8.0 release of Fleet Commander up and working.

Now we finally achieved it, and we released the Fedora packages and also an EPEL7 copr for CentOS and RHEL.

If you want to test it you can do it following the instructions in the Fleet Commander Wiki.

There are some new interesting features in this release. Lets see what is incoming!

Fleet Commander's admin interface has been ported to a cockpit plugin

Now you don't have to setup an Apache website for Fleet Commander Admin. You just use Fleet Commander Admin by clicking in Fleet Commander link under Cockpit's Tools menu.

If you do not know Cockpit, it is about time for you to check it. It's a fantastic tool for monitorizing your machines and it's also a very easy to use environment for developing administration and monitoring tools as Cockpit plugins.

Added NetworkManager support

Currently you can create template interfaces for Ethernet, Wifi and VPN connections and deploy them with your profiles.

Support for GNOME Online Accounts templates

Right now, we added initial support for adding template GNOME Online Accounts to the profiles.

Changing the guts

We have done lots of work in the internals of Fleer Commander Admin, Logger and Client. We have refactored lots of things and modularized different parts of the code for making it more maintainable.

Thanks to my team members for working so hard in making this possible, and of course, thanks to all the people that contributed to this project with ideas, support, and testing.